_ S P A C E _
Give yourself some space…
The list of to-do’s around the house that we made six months ago keeps getting longer. You’d think that with all this ‘time’, we would have reached Marie Kondo status. Not even close. But there’s a more important room that needs tending to: the one upstairs.
Of course, self care is the first thing to go out the window when there are bigger, more urgent issues at hand - how can we take the luxury of 15 minutes of deep breathing in the middle of a pandemic? In the midst of violence? At the peak of a climate crisis? It’s easy to catch ourselves in the news cycle, grief, inadequacy, then finding a moment of hope when we can be part of the solution. It’s maddening (qprT>+?kljd#4F@*#!!!) but it also reinforces our purpose. The forced distancing has given us a little space to step back and pause for long enough to see the bigger picture, reminding us that we need to take care of minds and bodies if we plan on hunkering down to save the world!
Here are just a few tools that have helped us redecorate / declutter / just be in our head space:
Breathing App - pretty self-explanatory!
Chopra App - wisdom, mindfulness. All that good stuff.
Bob Ross - no introduction needed… just think happy little clouds.
We hope you’ll make some space for you time. Let us know what else you’ve been doing to relax :)
Also, we did finally get around to at least one thing on our list of to-do’s at home: we hung up this beautiful piece from our friend, photographer Kitty Holland.
“The world inside your head is just as important as the world outside of it.”
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journal entry sparked anything for you :)